Our MFF Consulting method

Applied to personal development

By studying the birth chart (astral) of people, we analyze patterns of their behavior in life, skills, fears, concerns, etc. Through our mechanisms of interpretation and knowledge we carry out an analysis process using our equations and know-how that we personalize for each one of them. We accompany each person in a process for a better understanding of their life, their human potential and self-knowledge so that they can integrate and implement the knowledge we have provided.

Margarita Fontanet & Co.

Services for Personal Development

Understanding becomes the key word.

When we understand we are able to feel at peace. WHEN WE PUT LIGHT ON OURSELVES WE TAKE THE HELM OF OUR OWN LIFE.

It’s the beginning of a path within. Only from the TRUTH and COURAGE of being ourselves can we develop our most innate qualities not only to feel fulfilled and happy but also to contribute to the society in which we live.

Personal development


Complete analysis of the solar revolution

THE SOLAR REVOLUTION IS A PERSON’S LETTER OF THE YEAR, STARTING ON THEIR BIRTHDAY AND ENDING ON THEIR NEXT BIRTHDAY. Astronomy verifies the return of the sun to its birthplace. Each time there is this return of the sun, a personal year begins that will show the annual trends that the person will encounter throughout this period. This information will give us the possibility to have an orientation about the events that will be taking place in our life during these months and thanks to it we will be able to prepare ourselves better and take advantage of the favorable moments and at the same time avoid the unfavorable ones and try to get rid of the conflicts. It is important to keep in mind that we are before a guide and that we always have the capacity of personal decision to face each circumstance that life presents to us.

Full birth chart analysis

COMPLETE ANALYSIS OF THE NATAL CHART of the person so that he/she has a global vision of him/herself both at a conscious and unconscious level. In this way you will be able to understand who you are, what you are here for, what your innate talents and abilities are, your fears, your blocks and above all, understand how you live the different experiences that you have in life so that you can face them naturally and transcend them.

Complete analysis of the solar return

By observing where the planets are positioned at a given time in relation to their position in the birth chart, we are able to make correct decisions and determine how best to act at certain times. We can better manage crises if we understand the causes. Transits indicate important periods in a person’s life through which they show us stages of personal growth.

We create personalized therapeutic story-telling

We will help the person, create a character with which he feels identified to overcome his fears, improve his self-esteem and enhance his talents and skills.

We solve specific queries

About some area of life that is of interest to the consultant and thus help him/her solve any issue that concerns him/her.

Caso real

Carta natal completa y detallada de la persona

Una mujer nos encarga un estudio detallado de su carta natal pata entender sus circunstancias y realidad cotidiana. En concreto le interesa abordar cual podría ser su propósito de vida, sus habilidades innatas, sus miedos y bloqueos inconscientes y sus relaciones personales tanto amorosas como familiares como profesionales.

En las cartas natales vemos que hay 10 PLANETAS que son el Sol, la Luna, Mercurio, Venus, Marte, Júpiter, Saturno, Urano, Neptuno y Plutón. Estos planetas representan las inclinaciones psicológicas básicas del niño, es decir, las partes de su personalidad y nos revelan los procesos por los cuales aprende, crece cambia y se transforma. También hay 12 SIGNOS que son Aries, Tauro, Géminis, Cáncer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Escorpio, Sagitario, Capricornio, Acuario y Piscis. Estos signos describen las cualidades de cada parte interna y su modo de funcionar. Y hay 12 CASAS que son las 12 posibles escenas de la vida donde se vive cada planeta y cada parte interna. Y todos ellos están relacionados con aspectos que describen el tipo de diálogo y relación que hay entre todos ellos.

Miraremos el ASCENDENTE – que es la imagen que mostramos, nuestro temperamento o inclinación natural. No es inmediato verlo en uno y suele verse en los demás proyectado. El ascendente que marca la cúspide de la casa 1, muestra el grado exacto del signo zodiacal que se eleva por encima del horizonte oriental en el momento del nacimiento.

Coincidente con nuestra respiración independiente, proclama el comienzo de un ciclo, aparece cuando aparecemos nosotros, y sus cualidades son no solo un reflejo de quienes somos, sino también de cómo nos enfrentamos a la vida.

También veremos donde está El NODO NORTE que nos indica el primer paso de crecimiento hacia el destino de una persona.

Observaremos qué ELEMENTO está más destacado en su carta, si es de fuego, tierra, agua o aire. Esto nos dará una visión del tipo de energía que mueve su vida. La MOTIVACIÓN, fija, mutable o cardinal para determinar el impulso inicial en cada acción. Su POLARIDAD femenina (mundo interior) o masculina (mundo exterior). LOS CUADRANTES impulso, instinto, pensamiento y ser. Esto nos da una noción de la temática principal y una idea de las proporciones del conjunto de la carta.

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